Its Go Time!

Bring your idea to life in 4 weeks (or less)

Access a PROVEN formula that has turned over 50 ideas into entrepreneurial ventures! Imagine what it will feel like to finally from idea to reality with a clear roadmap and support. The course will be a mixed learning style with live sessions, pre-recording, and workbooks. I cant wait to see you in class!

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Before we begin...

    3. Join the Facebook Group

    1. The Scale Your Potential Framework

    2. Understanding the Business Canvas

    3. Choosing the Right Business Structure

    1. Registering Your Business Name

    2. Filing for an EIN

    3. Applying for Business Licenses and Permits

    1. Creating a Marketing Strategy

    2. Building Your Brand Identity

    3. Social Media Marketing

    1. Choosing a Domain Name

    2. Designing Your Website

    3. Hiring Freelancers and Contractors

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 15 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today


  • Will the sessions be recorded?

    Yes, all sessions will be recorded and available for playback post-course.

  • Will I have access after the course is over?

    Yes, you will have lifetime access to materials

  • Can I get a refund?

    Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds.